Friday, July 31, 2009

Thingy 23!

I have really enjoyed doing the 23 things this summer. A lot of my co workers have resisted the new change in the way the library is going as if it would kill them. We have used Facebook and others already and have had a working knowledge of these things for a while. At least those of us who embrace new things. I loved Imagechef way too much. most of the things I made were uncouth but they made me and my friends laugh histerically! But isn't this whole little experiment about having fun and learning new things? The parts I didn't care for others may have liked. that was the diversity this exercise offered and it was a refreshing change to rehashed lectures and boring meetings! So I shall continue to do my blogs sporaticlly but they will be solely my own and I will drop all restraints and be myself. So if I offend anyone, that's me!!! See ya'll later!

Thingy 21! Podcast

I view podcast all the ime on Most reacently they had coverage of the San Diago Comic Con. I feel podcast are usefull for giving directions to those who would find reading long directions boring. I also get podcasts on my Zune and view them on it all the time. I like video podcast and think audio podcasts are a pain.

thing 20 Youtube

I love YouTube. I have an account there and I look at videos on it all the time. A friend of mine refered me to the one called the Angry librarian and it sounds just like it was from our library!
I laughed so hard!!! So did my student assistants!

Thing 19!!!! Google Docs

Ok, I have now uesd Google Docs. It is set up just like Microsoft word and is in an easy to read format. It is easy to figure out what to do on it. I don't know when i would use this thing but I now have one. My friend Jason might find it interesting but since he loathes anything microsoft, I doubt it. Now I am off to blog thing 20 now!!!!

Thingy 18 Wikis

Ok, I loke i go to it for all my comic book and music needs and any info I want to know about. We have a saying here at work amounst my co-mworkers whom I am friends with. "You too can be a librarian with Wikipedia!" I have contributed to a few wikis already so I know how to do that already. For example I corrected a papragraph on the page for DC Comics' Red Star. There are a few other ones I have done so as well. I have seen many with captions saying there were problems with the entries, for eample. Some told plot lines only and didn't tell the history of the character in general,etc. I almost always refer to wikipedia kinda like my hero on the Office: Michael Scott!!!! LOL!!!!!

Thing 17 Libworm

Libworm is yet another RSS feeder. It is interesting when you have need of that sort of thing but as with most of these things I am starting to be overwhelmed with items that do the same thing. Yes i understand the need for these and choice is good. I looked up dragons and got several hits, not so with buffalo soldier. I guess its on with the next thingy!

Thing 16 Librarything

I like this site. It is yet another social site but it differs in that its draw is books. I have been a voracious reader since I was in 5th grade. I read every book our school had on vampires and scared the snot out of myself untill I was in Jr. High.(You can thank my cat too, who used to scratch at my window when he wanted in!!!) I added my favorite book Dracula, of course and then the Terry Goodkind Sword of Truth Series. I also added the Elric Saga too because i am a huge Moorecock fan as well as McKiernan too. Where I am already a member of so many social sites now I can hardly keep track of them all (and have forgotten a few). Well I guess it on the blog the next thingy!

Thingy 15 Digg

While I didn't sunscribe to Digg, I did read a few articles. One was about the Dude Phenomenon. It was about my favorite movie and cult classic the Big Lebowski. It has now eclipsed the Rocky Horror Picture Show ith that status. I also read one on the Clinton's trip to Africa, and adds that make you think twice a bout drunk driving. I didn't think the adds were so bad but having been in that type of trouble myself i steer far away from repeating the mistakes of my past. Yet more to write, stay tuned.

Thing 14 Delicious

Well I can see how Delicious can be useful to some people. I personally don't have a need for the services of Delicious at this moment. I signed up for delicious but didn't install the additional software at this time I went ahead and marked some of my own favorites I had marked already. They are, Its The least I could Do, and Anima Designs.
Well I guess that is all on Delicious. I already did all 23 things but am just now getting to Blogging them. I shall be back shortly.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thing 13 Tagging

Well, I like tagging....wait....I mean the computer kind. LOL!!!!! I like clicking on one word links that send you off on a tangent while you are reading an article,etc. It would be interesting and quite useful to have it on our catalog at work but I believe that our system cannot do such things. Or at least that is what a co worker told me, who is in tech services. (You know who you are.) I guess that is all I have to say on tagging. On to the next thing.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thing 12 Twitter

Ok I see the reasoning behind Twitter but I personally don't want to know every thing a person does at every minute of the day. I could possibly use this if I was traveling somewhere and was worried about where I was going or where I was at. I am afraid I really don't care about anyone enough to know their life every minute. Maybe I'm just tired, as it is close to time to go. I'll make sure I am a little more upbeat tomorrow. Thanks all and have a good day!

Thingy 11 Instant Messaging

Hi all again. Instant Messaging or IMing is not really new to me. I have been IMing for quite a while too. I used to use a IM program but now Facebook and YahooMail both have IM incorperated programs. The one in YahooMail is an aggregator as well as it can use multiple IM programs. I use my IM to talk to my college buddy Jason who works at a women's prison in Oklahoma. I also use it to send secret messages to my co-workers if there is something interesting going on. LOL!!!!! I use IM on Facebook occasionally when talking to friends who are across the country. Guess thats all I have for IMing. Now onto Thingy 12.

Thing 10 Ning

Well, Ning is an interesting place for finding like minded indiviuals who share the same interest. I didn't join but searched around. I found tons of interesting groups to join but don't really have an interest at this time. I am a member of so many internet sites and groups now that I couldn't keep them all strait, let alone remember the passwords. I guess this is where a blog reader would come in handy. LOL!!!
I searched many subjects but some that stood out was a search of voodoo! Wow, new age still lives. I found one site dedicated to Jimmi Hendrix under that heading as well. Another thing I searched was Dungeons and Dragons. Having been an avid player growing up and still did up to a couple of years ago, I was a little shocked at how many sites were dedicated to the game still. Long live RPG's !!!!!!!! Well, I ate too much at lunch and am finding it hard to keep focused.....can't.......concentrate......need.......nap..ZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!! on to the next thing.

Facebook and More Facebook.

Well, Facebook is nothing new to me. I have had a Facebook accout for like 3 years or so, maybe longer. I have 172 friends there who i actually know. Its not like MySpace where its a competition of how many friends you can get. I don't talk to all 172 all the time but I do every once in a while. I use Facebook to keep my student assistants informed if there are any changes they need to know about. I use texts for that too, as I can Text en mass. I am a member of 21 groups on Facebook, like Bacon Salt, I Judge You When You Use Poor Grammer, and Historians Against The War. to name just a few. I really don't mind using my real name either. After I got on it my Boss and i used to to promote Library programs and events. I was really surprised this year by the number of people from my Hihgh School who had made contact with me. Plus as a n added bonus they have included numerous games recently. I myself and lots of my friends have been playing Farm Town. Its a cute little game where you creat a working farm. The only problem is you have to keep logging in to keep your crops from spoiling or you fruit trees from rotting. Its a good thing the animals don't need upkeep. Some of my friends are totally addicted to it and get up at various times in the night and farm. So I am and have been a big fan of Facebook and see the many uses it can hve to a library of the modern age!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Google Reader and RSS feeds

Hi all, I'm here again! I had a great vaction with my girlfriend in Guthrie, Oklahoma!! I wish it could have lasted longer. Thanks Jason and Melissa for putting up with us. Well I got told to get my butt in gear by my administrator here for the 23 things! LOL!!! Just kidding, she is real polite. Anyway I promised to get back into this stuff so here I am.

i just got through looking at the Google Reader. It is for subscribing to multiple websites and recieving whats new on the sites you add to it. If you have multiple sites you want to see what is new then this is handy. I used to have one of these a year ago but i forgot the web address when my computer crashed the second time. i also got a "new" computer and cannot remember the address of the site before. Oh well, it was not useful to me at the time. Readers like these are great for the information junkies we are all becoming now. I personally love it. usually If i don't know the answer to something , I must find it ASAP! Well this makes such things easy. Now on to the next thingy! As for the RSS feeds you can't have the reader without the feeder!!! LOL! E'nuff said.